A Study on the book of John Chapter 2

JOHN 2:1 – 25
Bible Study Notes Rev. Betsy Perkins

Following the Signs and Clues: Jesus’ Ministry Begins

John, the disciple, begins to lay out the clues that will lead us to a fuller understanding of who the Messiah/Savior is, this Word Made Flesh, this Lamb of God, and what he has come to do. He begins chapter 2 with the words, “On the third day…”!

o Recall a memorable wedding that you have attended. What makes it stand out to you?
o Does it seem unusual to you that Jesus would attend a wedding? Why or why not?

The First Sign (2:1-12):

Joe Boyd, Bible Experiment – Gospel of John (RightNowMedia), 34:30-39:30

o What connections is John hoping we might make when he starts this story with “On the third day…”? (Read Revelation 21:1-4)
o Hospitality was an essential expectation of Jesus’ day, but so too was the expectation of community support. What had gone wrong at this wedding in Cana (Nathaniel’s hometown)?
o What do you think Mary’s intention was when she brought the problem to Jesus’ attention?
o What did Jesus mean when he said, “My hour has not yet come”? How does Mary respond to Jesus’ reluctance?
o Why does Jesus choose to go ahead and perform the miracle?
Reading from Max Lucado, Life Lessons from John, pages 13-14.
o How has God provided abundantly for your needs in the past?
o How does this story make the connection between Jesus and the Word of 1:1-4, 14?
o Who gets to be in on this miraculous “sign”? What purpose did the miracle serve (2:11)?

Jesus and the Temple (2:13-25):

Joe Boyd, Bible Experiment – Gospel of John (RightNowMedia), 39:30-43:15

o What is happening at the Temple that Jesus reacts to? What emotions do you think he was feeling?
o John explains Jesus’ feeling using Psalm 69:9. Read Psalm 69:6-12. What more might this prayer tell us about Jesus?
o NT Wright says, “The Temple was the beating heart of Judaism. It wasn’t just, as it were, a church on a street corner. It was the center of worship and music, of politics and society, of national celebrations and mourning. It was also the place where you would find more animals (alive and dead) that anywhere else. But, towering above all these, it was of course the place where Israel’s God, YHWH, had promised to live in the midst of his people. It was the focal point of the nation, and of the national way of life.” What places might come the closest to this kind of center for us? Imagine a scenario of vandalism, destruction or desecration in that place that is precious to you. How would it make you feel? How do you imagine the people at the Temple felt watching Jesus’ actions?
o Why do the Jews ask Jesus for a sign of his authority in the Temple? What sign does Jesus offer to prove his authority?
o What do the disciples realize Jesus was teaching them about the Temple? What does it mean for Jesus’ body to be the True Temple?
o How do the people respond to Jesus’ signs and clues? What does Jesus see in their hearts?

In light of this passage and our discussion, what one truth about God and about yourself stand out as something to “take to heart” this week?
Are there steps you will take, by God’s grace, to more fully apply it to your life?

Resources: NIV Zondervan Study Bible, 2015
N.T. Wright, John for Everyone, 2002
Max Lucado, Life Lessons from John, 2018
Joe Boyd, Bible Experiment – Gospel of John (RightNowMedia), 2014

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