A Study on the book of Hosea Chapters 1-3

A Study on the book of Hosea Chapters 1-3

HOSEA 1 – 3

Bible Study Notes                                                                                                                    Rev. Betsy Perkins

Hosea and His Family

  • What are some of the problems that can strain a marriage relationship?  
  • How is the relationship between God and God’s people similar to a marriage relationship?

The Historical Context   (1:1):  

  • Look on the chart and find the years in which Hosea served as a prophet for God.
  • Hosea lived in the northern kingdom of Israel. How long did Jeroboam, son of Jehoash, rule? How long do the 2 kings that follow him rule? What might that tell us about the times in which Hosea lived?
  • Read 2 Kings 14:23-29. What do we learn about King Jeroboam II?
  • Read 2 Kings 15:8-16. What is the political climate in Israel in the time following King Jeroboam II?
  • How does this compare to the political climate we live in? Differences? Similarities?

Tim Mackie, The Bible Project – How to Read Hosea (RightNowMedia), 0:00 – 0:45

Gomer and Her Children   (1:2-11):  

  • What does God direct Hosea to do? What is God’s purpose  in asking Hosea to take part in this “action sermon”, sharing a message from God in his actions?
  • What do we learn about Gomer?
  • How does Gomer’s life reflect the life of the people of Israel?
  • How do you think Hosea felt about his marriage? How is God feeling about Israel?
  • What is Hosea to name his first child? Why? (Jezreel means “God scatters”; see 2 Kings 9-10 for the full story)
  • What is Hosea to name his second child? Why?
  • What is Hosea to name Gomer’s third child? Why?
  • What is the word of hope that God gives after His word of rejection?
  • How does God continue the “action sermon” with the children of Hosea and Gomer?

Tim Mackie, The Bible Project – How to Read Hosea (RightNowMedia), 0:45 – 2:40

The LORD speaks: Accusation and Punishment   (2:1-13):  

  • How does the style of writing change from chapter 1 to chapter 2?
  • How has Gomer been unfaithful to Hosea? How has Israel been unfaithful to God?
  • In addition to being unfaithful, the people were also ungrateful. Read Romans 1:21. How did Israel fail to recognize God’s gifts?

“One of the first steps toward rebellion against God is a refusal to give God thanks for His mercies (Rom.1:21). God will not allow us to enjoy His gifts and at the same time ignore the Giver, for this is the essence of idolatry.”   ~ Warren Wiersbe

  • How is God going to deal with Israel’s ingratitude? (See the “Therefore, I will…” in verses 6 and 9)
  • Often in a marriage when one spouse feels hurt, s/he will do something to hurt the other back. Is God responding in pay-back out of God’s hurt?
  • Has God stopped loving the people of Israel because of their unfaithfulness? Why is God going to discipline Israel?

“Hosea is preeminently the prophet of love, but unlike some teachers today, he doesn’t minimize the holiness of God. We’re told [in the letter of 1 John], that ‘God is love’ (1Jn.4:8,16), but we’re also reminded that ‘God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.’(1Jn.1:5) God’s love is a holy love, not a sentimental feeling that condones and pampers sinners.”   ~ Warren Wiersbe

  • We do not worship idols in the same way that the Israelites did, but are there other ways in which Christians today are unfaithful to God? (Read 1 John 2:15-17, Romans 12:2) In what ways does God discipline His people today?

The LORD speaks: Reconciliation   (2:14-23):  

  • What is God’s plan in verse 14, following the initial consequences? Why would God do this?

“He begins with ‘I will allure’. God doesn’t try to force His people to love Him. Instead, He ‘allures’ (woos) them as a lover woos his beloved, seeking her hand in marriage.” ~ Warren Wiersbe

  • In what ways has God allured His children back into relationship with Him? Can you think of examples in the Old Testament? in the New Testament? in modern times?
  • God makes several more ‘I will…” promises. Reread verses 15-23 slowly to find all the promises.

Hosea and Gomer Together Again   (3:1-5):  

  • If Hosea and Gomer were your neighbors, what advice would you give Hosea?
  • What advice and direction does God give Hosea?
  • What does Hosea have to do to get Gomer back?

“Hosea had to buy Gomer back at a cost of fifteen pieces of silver (half the price of a slave, Ex.21:32) and about ten bushels of barley. This was not an exorbitant price, but she had cheapened herself by her sins. We need to remember that God has purchased us at the tremendous cost of the precious blood of His only Son (1Pet.1:18-19).”    ~ Warren Wiersbe

  • What do Hosea and Gomer go without after they are reunited? What will Israel go without?
  • What do you think Gomer has been thinking and feeling through all this?
  • What will happen ‘in the last days’?  King David died about 200 years before Hosea’s time, so what does he mean in verse 5?
  • Why do you think God would direct a prophet to give an “action sermon”, like the one Hosea is asked to give through his marriage to Gomer?
  • A key word in Hosea’s prophesy is the word ‘return’.  How does Hosea’s “action sermon” help us understand what that means in our relationship with God as individuals and as a community of faith?

Warren Wiersbe offers this summary of the attributes of God that are evident in Hosea 1-3:

  1. God is gracious, and no matter what ‘name’ our birth has given to us, He can change it and give us a new beginning. Even the ‘valley of trouble’ can become a ‘door of hope.’
  • God is holy, and He must deal with sin. The essence of idolatry is enjoying the gift but not honoring the Giver. To live for the world is to break God’s heart and commit ‘spiritual adultery’.
  • God is love, and promises to forgive and restore all who repent and return to Him. He promises to bless all who trust Him.

In light of this passage and our discussion, what one truth about God and about yourself stand out as something to “take to heart” this week? 

Are there steps you will take, by God’s grace, to more fully apply it to your life?

Resources: NIV Zondervan Study Bible, 2015

J. Gordon McConville, Exploring the Old Testament: A Guide to the Prophets, Volume 4, 2002

Warren W. Wiersbe, BE Amazed: Restoring an Attitude of Wonder and Worship, 2010

Tim Mackie, The Bible Project, How to Read Hosea (RightNowMedia)

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