Our Mission:
To Encourage Discipleship
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
Thessalonians 5:11

We are dedicated to encouraging one another to embrace a lifestyle of discipleship, recognizing that the Christian journey is one we walk together, not alone.
To nurture community, we plan opportunities for fellowship, hospitality, and member-care, such as:
A Prayer chain ministry for urgent prayer needs
A Prayer team that meets twice a week to engage in the work of prayer
Pastoral care and visitation
A congregational care team that maintains connections with cards and calls
Opportunities to work together on service projects at the church and in the community
A hospitality team that hosts congregational potlucks, coffee hours, and receptions for funerals, as well as churches events like spaghetti dinners, salad luncheons, soup luncheons, and family camp
Church-wide training to be Dementia Friendly and for Emergency Preparedness