We thank and praise God for over 180 years of faithful worship and discipleship at First Baptist Church of Delavan, teaching the word of God and sharing God’s love in our community.
Our church was founded 10 years prior to Wisconsin becoming a state! In 1839, this church was the only Christian congregation in Delavan. Today there are 20 churches active in our community, but the beginning of Christianity, here in Delavan, began with First Baptist Church. The fact that our congregation is alive and strong today is not only a testimony to God’s leadership but it is also a tribute to the faithfulness of former pastors and church members and to our present congregation and its leadership.
Formation of our congregation and building
- On Saturday, September 21, 1839 a meeting was called in the home of William Bartlett to “take measures to constitute a church to be called the Baptist Church of Delavan”.
- The first Baptist Church built in Wisconsin was erected in Delavan and dedicated on August 24, 1841.
- The first Anti-Slavery meeting in Wisconsin was held in the church in 1842.
- The new brick building was dedicated on August 29, 1855 and is our present fellowship hall.
- On July 9, 1880 the cornerstone was laid for the new “audience room” our present sanctuary.
- Beautiful stained glass windows were purchased and installed in 1880. They represent the 10 basic laws of the Old Testament.
- The last addition to our church was the Aram Parlor on March 28, 1902. It was dedicated by Susan Aram at age 90 and her picture still hangs in the Aram Parlor today. The parlor was refurbished in 2005 to maintain the appearance of long ago.

The Organs

- A small Melodeon was the first instrument used in the church in the early 1850’s. The cost was $75 and it is displayed in the church’s sanctuary.
- In 1880 the Church secured a larger organ made by Mason & Hamlin Organ Company. It also still stands in the sanctuary.
- On January 3, 1891 the Organ Guild was formed to raise funds and create enthusiasm for the installation of a real pipe organ. It took 9 years to raise $2,224.29 to pay for the organ. A Lancashire-Marshall Organ built in Moline IL was installed in August of 1899. It was originally powered by water, but due to freezing pipes in the winter it was converted to an electric motor in 1914. Today, the organ is estimated to be worth $1,000,000!
- As one of the oldest organs in the Midwest, it suffered deterioration of the bellows. The congregation slowly raised money and re-leathered the bellows in 2017.