5-Day Reflection on the Call of Discipleship
Follow Jesus so closely that you are covered in His dust.
Day 1: The Call of Discipleship
Scripture Reading: John 1:35-42, Matthew 4:18-22
Reflection Question:
- What does it mean for you personally to be a disciple of Jesus?
Action Step:
Reflect on how Jesus has called you to follow Him. Write down how you first encountered His call in your life. Pray for clarity on how He is asking you to follow Him today.
Day 2: The Cost of Discipleship
Scripture Reading: Matthew 16:24-26, Luke 14:27-33
Reflection Question:
- What are some things in your life that may be hindering you from fully following Jesus?
Action Step:
Identify one thing you need to “deny” or “put to death” to grow closer to Jesus. Commit to surrendering it to Him this week and ask for His strength to overcome it.
Day 3: Your Role in the Body of Christ
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-20
Reflection Question:
- What unique gifts or personality traits do you bring to the body of Christ?
Action Step:
Write down ways you feel God might be using your strengths to serve His Kingdom. If you’re unsure, ask a trusted friend or leader how they see God working through you.
Day 4: Facing the Challenges of Discipleship
Scripture Reading: Matthew 10:16-22, John 15:18-21
Reflection Question:
- How have you experienced challenges or persecution because of your faith?
Action Step:
Spend time in prayer asking for courage to remain steadfast as a disciple of Jesus. Consider reaching out to someone who is struggling in their faith and encourage them.
Day 5: The Commission of Discipleship
Scripture Reading: Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8
Reflection Question:
- How are you sharing the Good News of Jesus in your personal “mission field” (home, workplace, community)?
Action Step:
Make a plan to intentionally share the love of Jesus this week. Whether through a conversation, an act of kindness, or an invitation to church, ask God to guide you in making disciples.
Closing Prayer:
Lord, thank You for calling me to be Your disciple. Help me to follow You so closely that I am covered in Your dust. Teach me to surrender all that I am, and use me to bring Your light to the world. Amen.